
My Success Story

By Annabelle Peeteetuce

Hello, my name is Annabelle Peeteetuce, I am a young lady that lives in the Downtown Eastside area of Greater Vancouver and have been here for a few years. My original introduction to the province of British Columbia came through the decision to move out west from my home province a few years ago.

I came to this program not knowing what I’ll be getting into as my friend referred me because she knew that I was looking to create some changes in my life to become more employable and achieve a better quality of life for myself. My friend that referred me to the program because of her previous experience had received her Traffic Control Person, Confined Space, Fall Protection, First Aid, Food Safe, Fork and Scissor Lift Tickets.

I was working in an indoor job prior to this training, doing customer service and cleaning. I decided to come to the Circle of Eagles K’em k’em elay Training and Employment Program. At this time, I have received six (6) of the required tickets to employment and when I took the Traffic Control Person training ticket course, I passed.

I applied for a few jobs online and received interviews with a few employers before; but finally, I started working for the current company where I am employed as a Traffic Control Person. Then November 4, 2019 I started working! I began working for this company but within three months I have moved up and now I am the supervisor of this company.

The program benefitted me in a lot of ways that I wouldn’t think of until I got the Traffic Control Person ticket. I will also be participating to with the program again with hopes of getting additional tickets which will get me where I want to go in life. The experience with the K’em k’em elay Circle of Eagles program got me to see more of what I’d like to pursue in the construction industry as a Traffic Control Person, and learning more about the Construction Industry.

Furthermore, I’d like to move to the Yukon because my other significant other does Forestry so with me as a Traffic Control Person we can both travel all over Canada we can work to establish meaningful lives as role-models for future clients of programs just like this one.

Thank you to Circle of Eagles K’em k’em elay Program for opportunity to train and learn from your staff and receive benefits of learning to apply myself.

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